Android One

The past few weeks the whole world and the net were abuzz with all the news of new innovations and releases from big smart phone brands. A lot of these phones are taking the mobile game to a whole new level with introduction of cutting edge technology at least of the smart phone scale.

People may think that all these new releases will be serving all ends of the market but Google begs to differ. Looking at the lower end consumers, Google seems to recognize that although companies have been offering lower end phones, the systems in these phones are nowhere near the par standards of what android systems offer in the mid-range and higher end phones.

This leaves you with a huge percentage of unsatisfied consumers, were although doesn’t seem to have a much impact on profit as an individual, collectively as a group the low end consumers become a huge profit opportunity for the mobile phone companies.

So in comes Android one, Googles answer to providing cheaper handsets with a passable and quality system. Google plans to announce this system on September 15 in an Indian press event. India consist of a huge population that uses lower end smart phones and that makes it a perfect venue for Google to first introduce the Android One.

But why the urgency and need to do so?

Google already announced its plan to do this back in June of this year with the basis of the project being to provide manufacturers with more reason to produce cheaper hardware now that a cost effective software is made available to them.

The market can slowly start seeing the rise of cheaper entry level phones which can be seen with what Motorola is doing with their latest release.

Another reason why the bigger brands are entering this market is due to the rise of new players in the mobile industry especially those coming from China. With android being an open source operating system, more and more new players will be able to enter the market with older versions of android running in it and without the base software that Google provides. Android One will help keep the bigger brands competitive in terms of pricing.

With the Android One in Googles work plan, we can all expect even newer affordable models to be available to us come September 15.