Microsoft Replacing Noisy Consoles

Last week, Microsoft announced that until the 13th of September, any purchase of the Xbox One console will net you any free Xbox One game of your choice. Now, this week,...

Multiplayer Announced for Dragon Age: Inquisition

With the highly anticipated next entry in the Dragon Age series nearing its release date with each passing day, Bioware and Electronic Arts (EA) decided to announce that there will be...

Halo 4 Special Edition Xbox Official!

These days it seems like you can't release a video game without having some kind of special edition to go with it, so why would we expect Halo 4, the return...

Hitman: Absolution Makes Stealth Empowering

Let's face it, before this generation of consoles stealth in video games sucked badly. Gamers knew that stealth segments meant that they were going to be completely outgunned and that even...

Amazon Buys Twitch for $970 Million

As one of the biggest online retailers around, shopping portal Amazon provides us with a range of goods from gift-wrapped plushies to clothing to high ticket items like designer watches and...

Getting Us Into Next Gen

The times they are a-changing. Except for gamers, that is. While there has been an awful lot of hype surrounding the prospect of the next generation of game consoles, there hasn't...

Is Rift the Return of Virtual Reality?

Remember the 90s? Remember when virtual reality was going to be the next big thing? Remember how it sort of came and went? Remember how it sucked? And of course, do...

Square Enix Announces Shinra Cloud

Last week, we announced how Square Enix is changing the way we game by releasing their very own cloud-streaming game service called Dive In. Set to be released next month for...

Xbox One Kinect Camera to Cost $150 From October 7th

During the last generation of games consoles the PS3 lagged behind in a huge way. Outdone by its Microsoft-branded competitor, the Xbox 360, the PS3 was overpriced and released almost a...

First Ever MMO Resurrected

The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment in Oakland, California has announced that they will be spending one day this weekend attempting to resurrect the world's first ever MMO (massively multiplayer...