The God of War series has been very good to Sony. The saga of Kratos has been one of the most fun (not to mention one of the bloodiest) experiences to be had on the Playstation. With God of War: Ascension coming out soon, a special edition of the game was inevitable. Here we’ll give you the goods on what to expect from the special edition and whether it’s worth your money or if it can be left in the pits of the Underworld.
Kratos Statue
One of the coolest things of the Special Edition that has nothing to do with the actual gameplay is that it comes with an eight inch statue of the godslayer himself, Kratos. Statues are all sorts of awesome, and if you want to you could put him up against your Mortal Kombat Scorpion/Subzero book shelf ends. Or you can keep it on your desk at work to ward away the boss.
Steelbook Packaging
There’s just something awesome about getting a game in a steelbook case. It just helps to make the purchase all the more epic. You could buy a copy of Batman and Robin on Bluray in steelbook and it would still feel like you bought something awesome (just kidding, nothing could ever make buying Batman and Robin in any format awesome unless you bought it strictly with intent to destroy it). The point is, steelbook not only has a great look and feel, but you get to rest assured that the case can take a few hard knocks.
Official Game Soundtrack
God of War has a pretty awesome soundtrack to go with the epic scope of the game. Including the soundtrack of the game will allow you to be able to listen to it anywhere you go. So while you’re stuck in traffic you can at least make the experience feel epic (though emulating Kratos in any way, shape, or form is extremely ill-advised and not endorsed in any way).
DLC Pass
Of course there was going to be DLC for this thing. I’m fairly certain everything comes with DLC at this point. But let’s face it: nobody likes paying for something they could have just stuck in the game to begin with. This is where the DLC pass comes in. You can get all of the DLC that comes out for Ascension for free (because it’s everyone’s favorite amount to pay).

Mythological Heroes Multiplayer Pack
Multiplayer is an essential in gaming these days, and God of War is no exception. The Mythological Heroes Multiplayer Pack comes loaded with Achilles, Orion, Odysseus, and Perseus armors, which is a neat little feature in and of itself. The multiplayer will also have a minor story element to it in which the player must sell their character’s soul to Zeus, Hades, Aries, or Poseidon. This is a cool idea since most multiplayer modes are without stories, and really just tosses players in a room and has them attack each other. A little motivation for the fighting is welcome.
The God of War: Ascension special edition certainly looks like it has cool features. The question, however, is do the extra features stand out? Aside from the statue there really isn’t anything on here that just screams “must have”. As previously stated, everyone is doing special editions of their games and it takes a lot to come out with special editions that genuinely seem special. Having a few cool features does not always justify a much higher price. The added cost for Ascension may be justified given the statue and the soundtrack, but the DLC pass almost seems like an after thought.