Is Apple Right to Start the Fight: Samsung says “No”

A Tiring Battle In light of technology and brotherhood Apple has decided to drop all charges made against Samsung. Did you really fall for that one? Believing that would be a fantasy...

HTC Finally Breaks Out of Customs and Into Your Hands!

Waiting to Exhale Sprint users all have been holding their breath since they heard that US Customs were putting the big return to sender sticker on HTC’s Evo 4G LTE just  2...

Leap Motion is Putting You in Control- Literally.

At the Flinch, Pinch and Flick of Your Finger Leap Motion technology has just announced that they have developed the most innovative 3D hand motion technology out on the market, and they...

Facebook Falls on Its Face: “Like”?

Whether Facebook's recent string of bad luck is divinely inspired (who knows), brought upon themselves (quite possible), or it’s just plain old chance (more than likely) it all stings the same....

One Feature, Apple Could Stand to Learn from Other Mobile OS’s

Help ! We need to not be so user friendly for a change. I want to be able to edit documents, and keep them all in one location so that I do...

Wakfu: The Six Dollar A Month MMO

Finally, an MMO that doesn't remind me of World of Warcraft. It reminds me of an old school, 1 player console RPG more than anything and amidst all the other MMOs,...

iPhone 5: All Systems Go For June Release? Good News for Sprint if True!

Signs are certainly pointing to a June release, but hey, it could just be wishful thinking on the part of those of us that are ‘not so patiently’ waiting for it....

HTC One X Held in Customs at Mercy of Apple

Earlier today, Apple followed through yet again with another one of Steve's missions, and that is to protect their own Intellectual Property. It comes at no surprise again, after we just...

Apple Sues Apple? Really, the Galaxy Tab and iPad Butt Heads.

The recent lawsuit is in regards to the new Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 - 10.1, where Apple has claimed this design infringes upon the Apple's iPad and the case was earlier...

Blackberry 10, Has Serious Potential

Despite what anyone thinks, you should take a few moments to better understand what RIM ( Research In Motion )  or BlackBerry is doing. They are being innovative for a change....