Top 5 photo applications

Top 5 Photo Applications

A lot of people like taking pictures on their Smartphones. And I especially love the concept of having my camera right in my phone because I’m not one who enjoys lugging...
Android tips and tricks

The Endless Android Tips and Tricks Series – Part 10

As expected, the more new phones get released in the market, the less people seem to take care or value their existing ones. I know of some people who have phones that...

The Endless Android Tips and Tricks Series – Part 8

Hey guys! As promised from our last article, we are bringing you more Android tips and tricks to get the most of one of the most used mobile browser - Google...

The Endless Androids Tips and Tricks Series – Part 2

Hey there! I’m back to bring you another batch of android tips and tricks to help get the most out of the android smart phone that you currently own. As promised...

Google Chrome & Chrome Books – Are These Things Selling?

I had to stop and think when I first noticed the Chrome Books. First thought, was "hey I know a few people who do not have computers that have iPads instead to...