Could Microsoft Buy Activision?

There have been serious rumblings in the gaming world lately that Activision, makers of the hit MMO World of Warcraft, may find themselves with a new parent company in the form of Microsoft.

Why the Current Console Generation Needs To End

  Video game sales of late have been rather lackluster. Independent games have been thriving due to their low production costs, but triple A games have had a very difficult time being...

Phantasmal Announced for PC

New developer, Eyemobi, has announced a brand new game coming to PC. Entitled Phantasmal, it is a procedurally-generated survival horror game "that is never the same twice." The creators of Phantasmal...

RTS Human Resources Announced

Uber Entertainment, the developer behind the not so well received Planetary Annihilation and the pretty good Monday Night Combat games, has announced their next title. Called Human Resources, this new game...

Starlight Inception Vita Review

Starlight Inception is the latest in a wave of games attempting to capitalize on the hype surrounding the revival of the space sim genre. With the likes of FTL, Star Citizen,...

Buy Xbox One, Get a Free Game

If you've been on the fence about whether or not to buy Microsoft's latest home console, this offer might be for you. Today, Microsoft announced that for next week only, from...

Minecraft Players Build In-Game Hard Drives

Although it started out as a glitchy alpha with a whole lot of potential, Minecraft has grown into a very big deal. Originally created by Markus “Notch” Persson, Mojang Studios soon...

Neo Geo Returning

Anyone else remember the Neo Geo? That little hand held gaming console had its day in the 90s but it is now one of those gaming platforms that we look at...

Square Enix Unveils Streaming Service

A new report from Gematsu was released today, detailing Square Enix's next big innovation in the gaming industry. The Japanese powerhouse behind mega-franchises like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Tomb Raider...

Minecraft Coming to Windows Phone

Mojang, the creator of the worldwide phenomenon that is Minecraft, has announced that the game will be coming to Microsoft's Windows Phone very soon. One of the developers, Jens Bergensten, revealed...