smartphone accessories for the outdoors

Great Smartphone Accessories for the Outdoors

We take our smartphones and tablets anywhere we go. I mean , how else are we supposed to take our selfies at the beach or at the zoo,right? All kidding aside, it...

The New Tesco Hudl 2 Can Be Picked up for The Equivalent of $103

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that Tesco, a UK supermarket, were planning to release their new Hudl 2 tablet, and following on from that announcement, I can now say...

Vertu Aster Costs $9,000 – Will Anyone Even Buy it?

We often talk about how high end phones are priced quite expensively, but the new Vertu Aster may just be a handset that changes what it means to be called a pricey device....

HTC One (M8) Eye to Debut With Twin 13MP Cameras

If Apple is great at making unintentionally bendy phones and Samsung is fantastic at packing the fastest processors into their handsets, then HTC's best asset is its cameras. Their last flagship, the...

PS Vita Gets Major Update

Sony has officially revealed that tonight, October 1st 2014, the PlayStation Vita will be receiving a major update to its hardware. Entitled Firmware 3.30, this update will give users many features...

Windows 10 Reveal Shows that Microsoft Cannot Count

A lot of rumors have hit the web recently about a reported Windows 9 operating system, and whilst Microsoft have been working away to make their latest OS, it has been...

Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Galaxy Note 4 Gapgate

So, after the huge fuss over the massive iPhone 6 bendgate drama, it looks like some people have decided to go after Samsung with their pitchforks and torches, and complaints have started...

SafeSleeve for Smartphone – Kickstarter Campaign Launch Revealed

Update (10/1/2014): SafeSleeve, LLC's campaign on is now live. It now garners a pledge of  support of $1,377 across 15 backers. Check-out their nifty video on Kickstarter below.   To all you SafeSleeve laptop...
Slate 17

HP Plans to Release a Desktop and Tablet Hybrid Calling It the Slate 17

With the release of the new Samsung Galaxy Note and the new Iphone 6 plus, it looks as if for the mobile industry, bigger is better. No matter how true or...
Dremel 3d20

Dremel 3D20-01, Making 3D printing more Accessible to the Average Joe

Ever since its inception, 3D printing has forever changed the face of modern technology. With the hundreds of possible applications, 3D printers would be a useful and worthwhile tool for people...