Overgrowth Alpha Review

Parkour. Extreme combat. Fuzzy bunny rabbits. Overgrowth is an independent game that seems to have it all. Overgrowth is a game that has been in development for close to three years...

Final Fantasy Versus XIII

It's been a relatively eventful week for Final Fantasy fans as heated rumors began to circulate that no only had Square Enix canceled development of Final Fantasy XIII, a game that...

Slender: Source Development

The recent independent game Slender has quickly become a favorite on the internet. The game has already developed a rabid fan base, and a portion of that fan base has decided...

Top Five Best Superhero Games

It was recently announced, in a rather hilarious fashion, that Marvel Entertainment was going to be bringing fan favorite character Deadpool to consoles in his own video game from High Moon...

Razer Ouroboros Preview

Hardcore PC gamers tend to prepare for gaming in ways that no other gamers do. For console gamers a unique headset and maybe a uniquely shaped controller is enough but PC...

Grand Theft Auto III PSN Release Postponed Along With Our Review

Today there was going to be a nice, bright and shiny Grand Theft Auto III retro review for you due to yesterday being the announced release date for GTA III on...

Harley Quinn’s Revenge Review

  Batman: Arkham City recently made our list of the top five best superhero games ever. Its dedication towards telling the best Batman story possible paired with exhilarating gameplay made you actually...

Why the Current Console Generation Needs To End

  Video game sales of late have been rather lackluster. Independent games have been thriving due to their low production costs, but triple A games have had a very difficult time being...

Is Rift the Return of Virtual Reality?

Remember the 90s? Remember when virtual reality was going to be the next big thing? Remember how it sort of came and went? Remember how it sucked? And of course, do...

Abe’s Oddysee Remake Looking For New Title

  Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee is a classic game of its time. It was one of the early games on the original Playstation and it gave gamers a great little peak at what...